The Creation Station in my classroom is still going strong. The children all want very much to be chosen to go to the Creation Station, and once there are producing very creative and colourful pieces of work.
One mother came in to see me about some other issue, but told me that her son is very excited about the Creation Station and has been talking about it at home. Another little girl wrote me a letter to remind me that she hasn't had a chance to go to the Creation Station yet, and was inquiring as to why not! So, it's a hit with the kids to say the least.
This week, as Spring has sprung here in Australia, I was going to take in some flowers and photograps from last year's Floriade festival in Canberra. I've actually decided to upload the photos to Flickr instead (see them here), rather than print them all out. The student computers are right by the Creation Station, so will be easy to access while students are working. I can even set the pictures to run through in slide-show. I have some empty vase pictures for students to create flowers to fill. I want them to have examples to look at, but also to create new flowers from their imaginations!
Another blog that I was reading refered to 100 Days of Monsters and the Daily Monster I am going to use this as inspiration after the school holidays. It involves creating a picture of a monster around an inkblot. I think that my boys in particular are going to love this idea and I'm sure I'll see some VERY creative monsters.
Let me know how things go for you if you decide to try this idea.
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